quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

III International Bobby´s Workshop Convocation for the 1st May -Workers Day

Word Wilde Bobbys:

It´s a great honour to anounce one of the most
expected, democratic and participated
discussion foruns of this town:

The International Bobby´s Workshop,

This year the main discussion subject is

"the importance of a Bobbys´background in both Personal/Professional life"

The deadline to submit your presentations, about this or another subject is the 20th April

Always interesting is the speech of our CEO, Prof. Cabral Fernandes:

"The Achievements of a Governance and Future Plans"


Some of you must be wondering....And what about elections and candidates?

...Who knows what can we expect from the heat of the discussion...

I´m looking forward to read your presentation proposals,

Venue and other details will be comunicated in a few weeks,

A great well being

Serbeira de Mel(l)o

1 comentário:

simeone disse...

Dear Professor Serbeira de Mel(l)o,

Filled me with joy to see your post.

However, please confirm that the communication, due to the day that´s done, it´s true.

A strong hugh.

Bobby Simeone